Australian Athletics Board Committees
The following Committees provide support to the Board and management in the governance of Australian Athletics.
- Audit, Finance and Risk Committee
- Ethics and Integrity Committee
- Nominations Committee
- High Performance Committee
- The Athletics Foundation Committee
- People and Culture Committee
- Special Awards Committee
Australian Athletics Advisory Groups
The following Advisory Groups provide support to the management in the operations of Australian Athletics.
- Athlete Advisory Committee
- The Athletes’ Advisory Committee members are; Cam Crombie (Chair), Ben Buckingham (Vice Chair), Rhydian Cowley (Secretary), Jaryd Clifford, Linden Hall, Mackenzie Little, Madi De Rozario, Steve Solomon.
- RAP Committee
- Technical Committee
- The Technical Committee works closely with the Strategy, Delivery and Engagement Team to advise on all technical related matters. The Technical Committee members are; Khan Sharp (Chair - V), Caroline Jackman (S), Zoe Eastwood-Bryson (S), Peter Hamilton (Q), Brian Roe (T)
- Officials Operational Committee
- The Officials Operation Committee members are; Brian Roe (Staff Liaison), Richard Lawysz (V), Helen Roberts (Q), Fiona Brown (NT), Matthew Gleeson (N), Rachel Larking (S). This committee look after and oversee Education, Evaluations, Selection, Mentoring and the Australian Standard of Officiating.
- Officials People and Culture Committee
- Australian Athletics has created the Officials People & Culture Committee, the key focus areas are recruitment, retention and recognition, behavioural expectations and standards, and Officials’ event experience. The committee will focus on the people of the sport, through listening to the lived experiences of our officials nationwide, to improve the culture, environment & experience for all our officials. The People and Culture Committee members are; Tom Thorpe (AA Staff Liaison & Temporary Chair), Kim Owens (N), Jenny Boardman (Q), Andrea Hallett (V), Karen Murphy (AA Head of People and Culture) & Jemma Caon (AA Executive Assistant).