Athletics Australia is currently seeking Expressions of Interest for up to two independent members for the High-Performance Advisory Group.
The purpose of the HPAG is to provide advice and support to the HPD, CEO and staff of AA with a view to enhancing the AA High Performance program.
The aim of the HPAG is to address and suggest action on major strategic issues within AA’s High-Performance program by bringing together key personnel with relevant experience from AA, the domestic and international athletics communities and the Australian high-performance sporting community to advise AA’s HPD and CEO.
The group is not intended to replace the decision-making authority of AA or the AIS, nor replace the associated accountabilities of their Boards or senior staff, but instead to complement the existing governance structures.
We are looking for the independent appointees to provide expertise across the following areas:
Leading edge international HP athletics programs
Leading edge domestic HP sporting programs
Sports finances and strategies
Sports science and sports medicine
Coaching and coach development
Major championships athletics teams
The HPAG will meet twice a year as a minimum and more frequently as demand dictates.
The agenda for each meeting, items on which advice will be sought from the HPAG, will be agreed between the CEO, HPD and the Chair in advance.
AA will provide secretariat support to the Group.
Please email your Expression of Interest to setting out your expertise and/or qualifications as well as any other relevant information, by COB Friday 14 September.