Athletics Australia is delighted to announce the re-launch of the Athletes’ Advisory Committee (formerly known as the Athletes’ Advisory Group).
The Committee will ensure that athletes possess a meaningful voice on important matters and help to shape the future of athletics in Australia. The Committee will represent and amplify the voices of high performance athletes in decision making at AA and will be an important link between the athlete community and AA’s leadership.
Athletics Australia is inviting nominations from athletes who have competed for Athletics Australia in a Senior team in the last six years. Able and para athletes, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally diverse athletes are encouraged to apply and nominations can be in written, video or audio form. Nominations close on Monday 4th April. A selection panel, chosen by AA’s Board, will nominate eligible athletes to the committee.
Links to the nomination form, selection process and eligibility criteria, the Charter and more information can be found here on our website.
Posted: 28/3/2022