Athletics Australia is delighted to announce the launch of the Coles Athletics Community Hero Awards – an award designed in collaboration with Coles to bring the unsung heroes of our great sport into the spotlight.
The award provides a platform to celebrate those in the athletics community who often work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure athletics in Australia is the success that it is.
Nominations are now open HERE and will be received on a state-based system, with a short list of five candidates per state produced before voting via social media will determine which member from each state will proceed to the national final as a ‘Local Coles Athletics Community Hero’.
The winner from each state will receive a $500 gift voucher along with a hamper courtesy of Coles, with the individual crowned the 2021 Coles Athletics Community Hero to accept $1,000 at Athletics Australia’s Awards night.
Coles' General Manager of Corporate Affairs Sally Fielke says "Coles is extremely proud to support the 2021 Coles Community Athletics Hero Awards. We’re excited to recognise and reward the unsung heroes in the athletics community who give so much time and energy to help Aussie athletes lead healthier, happier lives."
Athletics Australia’s Marketing and Commercial Manager Michael Angus says the initiative provides a strong opportunity for athletics in Australia to move forward in unison.
“It’s an exciting opportunity for us to bring all states and territories together and utilise their support to push the sport forward on a truly national level,” he said.
“Thanks to the support of our major partner Coles, we will be able to achieve our common goal of recognising the unsung heroes in the athletics community.”
Nominations are now open and close on April 4, with the short list of five candidates per state to be voted on between April 5-18. The Athletics Australia Special Awards Committee will then appoint a successful candidate and recognise them as the inaugural Coles Athletics Community Hero at the Athletics Australia Awards night to be held at the Australian Track and Field Championships.