Expressions of Interest are now open for the positions of Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Chief Medical Officer for the World Athletics Cross Country Championships Bathurst 2021.
The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) will lead the medical services delivery for the World Athletics Cross Country Championships Bathurst 2021 (Event). The CMO will work closely with the Deputy Chief Medical Officer and The Medical Services Manager who will be responsible for the day to day planning in the pre event period (June 2020 – 15 March 2021). In this lead role, the CMO will be responsible for overseeing the management of the medical services workforce at Event time, being a key member of the Healthcare Working Group, oversight and implementation of anti-doping procedures, establishing event emergency procedures including key relationships with local hospitals, day to day medical operations and providing expert medical oversight for the Event.
Working with oversight from the Chief Medical Officer and in conjunction with the Medical Services Manager, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer will be responsible for the planning and delivery of medical services for the World Athletics Cross Country Championships Bathurst 2021 (Event). This includes event planning as it related to medical services, contributing to assisting with management of the medical services workforce at Event time, being a member of the Healthcare Working Group, planning and implementation of anti-doping procedures, establishing event emergency procedures including key relationships with local hospitals, day to day medical operations and providing expert medical input for the Event.
Applications will close June 21, 2020. A detailed overview of the positions and EOI can be downloaded here.