Your athletics story is as individual as you are.
That’s why Athletics Australia is inviting you and your friends to get involved across your social media channels this season, using #ThisIsAthletics.
As we build up to the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games, we want the whole world to know what Australian athletics is all about and this is your opportunity to share your athletics story and way of life.
It could be that you’ve made the decision to run your first five kilometres. Maybe the months ahead mean long hours at the track while your family member competes. It’s the feeling when you get together with your mates for a long walk in the fresh air. That new outfit that you know will make you faster, or stronger. Volunteering your services raking the long jump pit. The effort that allows you to re-think what’s possible. The early morning training sessions at first light to beat the heat. It’s cheering on your favourite Australians against the world.
Capture those moments and share them across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and don’t forget to tag us in. Athletics Australia will share the best posts across our platforms across the season.