Australian Athletes continue to show commitment to a level playing field in the sport through the Athletics Australia’s Compete Clean program – a no tolerance to drugs in sport initiative.
Rio bound athletes Genevieve LaCaze, Ryan Gregson, Ella Nelson, Brad Scott and Deon Kenzie have all been announced as finalists in a video competition to promote a Compete Clean stance across athletics in Australia.
These athlete prepared and submitted a short educational video to highlight how responsible decision making can impact the sport and individuals. Australian athletes, since the program’s inception two years ago, have continued to be outstanding positive role models for the sport and the Compete Clean messages.
Given the recent developments regarding the Russian Athletics Federation, Athletics Australia is proud of its strong stance against drugs in sport and the positive commitment to education in this space, including by these competition finalists:
Genevieve LaCaze (3000m Steeplechaser)
Ryan Gregson (1500m Runner)
Ella Nelson (200m Sprinter)
Brad Scott (T37 400m, 800m, 1500m Runner) and Deon Kenzie (T38 1500m Runner)
This competition has been made possible through support from The National Integrity of Sport Unit, giving our finalists an opportunity to win valued prize money for the most popular entry, video conveying the best compete clean message and the most creative.
Illicit Drugs In Sport Education Programme
Cover image: @GenGen_LaCaze (instagram)