Athletics Australia invites expressions of interest for the recently reconstituted Coaching Advisory Group.
Reporting to Athletics Australia’s General Manager, Growth and Development, the Athletics Coaching Advisory Group exists to provide strategic and technical advice to Athletics Australia Management across all aspects of coaching in Australian athletics. This includes, but is not limited to education, ongoing professional learning, coaching pathways (grassroots to high performance), development and support, professionalisation of the workforce, and reward and recognition. The Group is advisory in nature and has no delegated decision making authority.
The Athletics Coaching Advisory Group will meet four (4) times per year with at least one (1) of these meetings to be in person. Appointments to the Athletics Coaching Advisory Group are for a term of up to two (2) years. Positions are voluntary in nature, however Athletics Australia will cover associated travel costs as required.
The Athletics Coaching Advisory Group will be made up of between eight (8) and twelve (12) members. Membership will be determined by Athletics Australia Management, taking in to account the diversity of knowledge, skills, and experience required to deliver against the purpose and role of the Athletics Coaching Advisory Group. In determining the membership of the Group, Athletics Australia Management will ensure that the composition of the Group is representative of the spectrum of coaching and coach education.
Expressions of interests are invited from individuals with:
Please refer to the Coaching Advisory Group Terms of Reference for further information.
Expressions of interest can be submitted via the link below. EOIs must be received by 5pm on Tuesday 28th January 2020.
It is anticipated that the first meeting of the Coaching Advisory Group will be conducted in Sydney at the Australian Championships at the end of March 2020.